Is it just me or has the quality of the Products been Dropping?

I am an avid purchaser of the Products on the market, for the past 3 months I must have notices a steep decline in the overall quality of the products that are being put on Sale. Last, year there were a ton of unique and high quality products put up for sale. I know that it can be perceived relatively, but just checking if it is just me. Alot of what is being produced seems like repetitious assets, not really professional. It feels like renderosity now. Not that everything on renderosity is bad. But it feels like a bunch of amateur looking items are being sold here now.... Not sure if it is just me.
No, it's not just you ;-)
Repetiton, if true, wouldn't be the same as lack of quality. I can't say I've noticed any geenral decline, it might help if you were a little more specific about the issues you are seeing
Well, I bought a G3/B8 character from a PA that used to sell at Renderosity and is now selling at Daz. I submitted a help request with listing 8 things I think are incorrect in the product. It is hard for me to understand how some of those would pass testing. For example, character presets saved as scene subset instead of figure/prop asset, eyelashes parented to the wrong bone of G8, and morphs in the wrong path. I hope we have not entered "anything goes" territory.
Nope, it is not just you :(
Not sure how some of them pass testing, to be honest.
Well I've been trying to 'correct' a few error messages ... one character's morphs were not working on said figure BUT were being activated on another! After some fancy editing now have cleared a few error messages, actually have the one character's morphs working on the correct figure but still "all is not right" with these characters. I'm not an expert - these files have been on Daz servers for sometime now and I would have thought by now, should have been fixed. But nope. So ... it is my unqualified opinion that some morphs were NOT saved properly as such, and so got written into another morph file - so then when the initial control morphs were made - in trying to call for its own morph(s) - they could not be found [hence error message] BUT the files they are seeking to find are THEMSELVES - and the morph data is written out therein. As I recall another forumite calls this type of work "sloppy." Hence some of us are of the opinion, right or wrong, that of late the quality of some work has gone down hill. On the other hand, have been also observing how various PAs are writing up their Product Pages and collecting information on which type of vendors to avoid if not wanting to spend days pulling out hair. It does not grow faster nor thicker as we age ;-)
You are right, and No, I am not making a joke of DS, in fact is very sad to evaluate this, because I'm into this software since 2006 asn an artist and an avid consumer of their products, and now are focused in create a ton of products redundant and abandoning the core program, maybe is Covid, homeworking, I dont know, but yes, there is a decline in quality and is not a thing to be discard
I dunno I look forward to seeing what's new each day and I know there will be SOMETHING. Renderosity has a few cool artists but anything good is far between. I buy the heck out of the shaders here on Daz which I'm not sure how many others do as well. But yeah something like this feels less then what we would expect. Maybe if it was a freebee.
I would like to see things like more Hair styles and and more dudes that don't look like they have been roiding since 15 and more mature women for sure.
And an eskimo parka or exploration furs, the ones for M4 is really dated.
and Gundam, please make Gundam stuff (that doesn't suck).
Yes, I definitely feel there has been a drop in quality, especially regarding metadata. I would estimate that about 30% of the purchases I've made recently have had metadata errors (and, as we all know, Daz generally refuses to fix these errors). I wonder if it has something to do with the Daz Central rollout (I use DIM)?
I feel quality control has dropped the ball recently, something that used to be very reliable.
I fell I'm a lot more picky before I even decide to risk a product. I return them for almost any errors - sure I could wait - but my opinion is that returning sends a clear message.
They owned / pwned the AKB48 Cafe!!

I just thought the Boneyard was for Toon Renders. It's good for that.
Ok so it is NOT just me, phew, yeah I just feel like so much originality has dropped, the one Charles mentioned is exactly what I mean. There is this level of sophistication, that Victoria 8 started, and now every other Genesis Character feels like they just moved some sliders and made a model, rather than create something unique. The clothes are horrendous and unoriginal, I think the last piece of clothing I bought that was useful was the Vitruvian Exosuit and the Shogun armor but that is like months ago. Also I am not sure why but even the specials this new year really sucked. Last year you could buy so much and now it feels like everything they offer requires a new product to be purchased first so yeah, not sure why?
and now the new wave is...steampunk??
It's not just you:
As a PA one can understand how this would be a topic I need to tread softly on. Especially since I respect the artists that purchase my products and of course the artists that sell on the marketplace as well. But I do wish to join in and humbly put my two cents in.
Stress, death, struggles and all out ugliest in the world is not exactly the best circumstance in which beauty can be created in. Some are affected differently and can be impacted greatly. Then others are not affected at all, a la "The Rose That Grew from Concrete" and can simply bless us all with beauty regardless of the ugliness that surrounds them. Just some food for thought as inspiration can be hindered at times due to current events.
Slightly off topic, Gundam content would definitely prove difficult given the obstacles of its copyright. Though the many talented PAs that create futuristic products can probably get really creative and make something cool for you all that is similar but safe from legal implications.
I'd say create a post over here and it might awaken some of those futuristic creative minds we have here :)
Anyhow, thanks for reading.
i think i must be missing something when a rather uninspiring photo gets turned into a rather uninspiring HDRI...
at least the price tag of $33 is equally uninspiring!
I think the problem is less the quality of the products going down and more that peoples' expectations have gone up as the render engines have improved, the resolution of the displays has gone up, etc. Keep in mind the average cost of a product in the DAZ store. If you really want a very realistic fully detailed model of an aircraft, for example? Well, you can always go to Turbosquid or something and pay $200 or $300 for it. Of course, once you get it, you will also have to pay someone to rig it for you, unless you know how to do it yourself.
I've bought on Turbosquid and all products are not Top Cremme de la cremme, that is a myth.
every store must give the same quality with nothing being broken, prices are irrelevant, they define the price they put, consumers like us does not suggest a price, they does, we pay the cost and the only thing we want is the quality they offer for the price being paid, our money is digital, no rotten bills, no rusty coins, simple as that, we are not asking for more than that.
I wonder how much is bad folder naming?
example in people>genesis 8 >character names --- this is good
but I also have people>genesis 8>character names --- because there are two spaces between the genesis and the 8 instead of 1 creates a separate folder in content .. like character and characters creating two folders (have seen that too
but these are where we can see them and work around them... I wonder about stuff we can't see
that's addressing quality control
but I think there are plenty of high quality things
but it depend on what you're after
I buy a lot of scene, some selective outfits that have items I can use, shaders
don't buy a lot of "sexy items" because my characters are cats not being particularly endowed with "boobs" they don't have any to show off.
but I just bought the abandoned subway ... a couple of Sys magic package .. luthbellina outfits and my archer really coveted the bow the windwalker set
Unfortunately it is not an isolated case. I bought a character in the middle of last year, I won't say the name, but I was scared when I came across the "Runtime" folder, in addition to the character's textures, there was a ZBrush file with the editable character and the textures in the mode "polypaint".
I really hope that we are not in anything goes.
This isn't really true. The market ultimately sets the prices. If you price your content too high, people won't buy it. if you price it too low, it isn't worth the time put into making it unless it is something you can crank out in an hour or two. Example, I'm not going to spend two weeks of full time effort making something I can only sell for $20 or $30. As the market has become more saturated with products, I won't make enough money selling something at $20 or $30 to recover my time investment if I spend two weeks working on it.
It's pretty much a fact of life that market saturation drives down prices and also drives down sales of any individual product, which tends to drive down quality because makers can't afford to spend as much time on a product anymore since it won't bring in as much money.
Poorly nested folder structures; serious typos in namings of products, folders, and morphs; loose files that are not even nested in folders but in a general folder such as Genesis 8 or clothes.
hmm, one computer at daz... one employee to load all final versions of products on it and load the product to see if it works... granted I only have 1200 products installed on mine. <<< my error... 12233 and 571 ready to install
but having a computer with nothing but say the last couple years products should be doable
but these issues have been around a long time.
My Daz 3d Library > data> daz 3d and daz3d > and the winner in daz3d is millieum puppy.
misnaming folders etc is at least consistent with the daz history
Okay let's move the puppy folder out of daz3d into daz 3d .. refresh .. nope get the message and the square blobby gray dog
so now there's an extra folder in the library with ONE item in it...
I know there are others like "character and characters" "genesis 8 and genesis8 and genesis 8"
I recently had a problem with every figure adding to a scene asking for a genesis2 female dsf (sic) instead of a genesis 2 female dsf or such no such named dsf exists .. One.. it's not something a gensis1 item would use.
the message just insisted that no such item existed in path //// ...
Didn't keep anything from working.. just meant I had to tell daz to ignore that error to keep it loading.
made a dummy.dsf file put in the path that daz was checking..
nothing has happened except I no longer have to tell daz to ignore that file and can go get a cup of coffee while daz is loading a scene.
One would think that a tester would find those issues, report them so that they can be fixed before the product gets released.
I have been a tester in another store and those products failed QA and the Vendor was asked to fix it.
Everyone can make mistakes and it is the tester that needs to find those errors and make sure they are fixed before the product hits the store.
This is one of the reasons why I do install content manually.
I don't know. I used to put lost on my wishlist, but in the last month I didn't see anything worth saving. Maybe some hair or some enviroment,
I guess it all depends on your definition of "quality" I look for good realistic textures and hope the product performs without a lot of issues(ie having to look for textures or clothes that really don't fit no matter what you do). Also, a good value for my dollar is the latest Stonemason really worth 30 bucks or more. Now if you want to talk selection, that's another issue, I have always felt the Michael 3 and 4 years had a better selection of products. I can't say I'm bored with the shop because I always manage to find something. sometimes an artist will even create something I didn't know I needed. Don't knock Renderosity. I think they have upped their game considerably in the last few years.,