How about a "Morph" tab to better manage morphs for characters

There are a gazillion morphs that load for a base character once a content library gets pretty big.  Add in the scripts and and other stuff that DS auto loads based on what you have, this can make loading a base figure take up to 10 minutes.  How about DS have a Morph tab that allows users to tag morphs as "always load" (which would be loaded when the base figure is loaded), "prompt to load" (which require the user to manually load the morphs) and "never load" (DS would not load these morphs, even if you load the actor/character or morph set and you would have to go into the morph manager and switch the tag to make it available).  If I am exporting a figure to blender, all of these random morphs become problematic.  Not everyone has the latest i9 with 64 gig of ddr5 ram and a 3090.  blender takes up about a tenth of the resources that DS does.


  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    I don't see how they can avoid morph management.  It's going to get worst as time marches on with more morphs added, and they don't seem eager to hit the morph reboot button with a new Genesis generation.


  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    An easier method of managing morphs on a character seems like an excellent suggestion. A tab where you can quickly and easily see which morphs are present and their current value, body part by body part, would speed up the process of finding conflicting morphs. If you were then able to easily select morphs for a particular character, ether a subset or all zero value morphs and delete them, would that speed up things in DS or only the loading process?

  • MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,050

    I also would like to have the option, to see, where a morph file was saved to. Including a "browse to folder" command.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Good idea. Perhaps that would also help track down issues causing the "duplicate formulas" error?

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