DIM not downloading some items (Mac)

Never had issues before, but some items won't download/install through install manager. The mbps drops to 0 and then after a minute or so it says "download failed." (internet is fine)  Most items download and install fine though. Something to do with the new Daz release maybe? 




  • This was an issue soon after the store chnageover, but I thought it was largely resolved. Please open a support ticket for now.

  • Is this still an issue? I am told that there was an issue with the service provider earlier but it should be resolved now.

  • Still an issue on Windows 10 tried to instal multiple items and 2 failed; then tried it through DazCentral and one installed and one failed.

  • Thanks for the info. 

    I waited half hour and then tried again. Seems to be working fine now :) 

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