dForce simulation calculation - single threaded?

Just q quick question, doing a test dForce simulation and noticed that my CPU is not really doing much overall, just the one core is being maxed (GPU is also pretty idle) - is this as expected? I.e. is the dForce simulation calculation single threaded and purely CPU calculated? Just wanted to make sure I'm not missing a setting.
Many thanks.
By default dForce will be usign your GPU, but if you are monitoring using Windows Task Manager that may not show up - try checking the different graphs for the GPU in the Perfomance tab (click the arrow to change them around).
It's probably using your GPU, and the one thread is managing the communication beteen your system and that GPU. But beware that dForce uses OpenCL, not CUDA, as far as I know.
It's definitely not single core/thread.
Is it possible at all to use the CPU for dforce simulation? I can only choose between my Nvidia card and an Intel Onboard Graphics adapter. As I am stuck with an ancient 6GB GTX1060 I actually might be better off with simulating on my CPU
Yes, at least with an Intel CPU -they have an OpenCL driver, linked here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/203081/dforce-start-here#latest
Many thanks