Content search

I wonder if someone could suggest an effective way to search for content. For example, I am looking for a "bed" (in my personal Studio 4 Content Library). While I know I have half a dozen or more, the search (typing "bed" into the Content Library search box) tyically turns up only a small proportion of the content that is actually there. The problem is compounded by the fact that "beds" are hidden in all sorts of content folders and sub-folders . . . finding them (and any content item in general) is anything but straightforward. Suggestions please?
Kinda depends.
If you're using the default Database search, it'll only show items that are categorized properly, which usually means that you'll need to categorize items manually to achieve what you want.
If you switch over to the File search, it'll search every file for a word match, and that can get a bit overwheming in the 'matches' you'll get.
In my case, since i don't use cms, if i do a database search, nothing comes up, if i do a file search for 'bed' i get aroud 2000 matches at 5% search, which includes props, rooms, lighting, shaders, poses, etc.
The simplest solution would be to categorize your assets in CMS.
This does have the drawback that if the database gets damaged, all that work is gone.
Alternatively, you can create folders for organization, then, either copy the asset file to it, or create a link file and place that in the folder.
Link files are, in my opinion, a better solution for most users, as it doesn't require altering the default install structure, so you can update files without much of a problem.
That was very helpful; thanks.