How to correct whites of eyes not being white

I'm relatively new to Daz, been only using it about a month and I am having issues with the character eyes. I render and the whites of the eyes are not white. In this render, here eyes are kind of red. I can't figure out how to get rid of it, and have looked for videos on youtube. Does anyone know how to correct that? In Perspective view they look fine, but in IRAY render they are red. I'm not sure what to do.

Aurora Eyes.png
1920 x 1080 - 2M

Aurora Eyes Perspective.png
1920 x 1080 - 961K
Open Panel > Surface, select SCLERA, change any Translucency Value to 0
if still looks a vampire is necessary hide the EyeMoisture surface sliding to zero in Opacity Parameter.
below there is an image about how open window panels in case you don't know or have this deactivated on your UI.
AND...if no one video on Youtube solved your tasks maybe you are not subscribed to my chanel...

Also, sometimes it's not the Sclera (or not just the Sclera) surface but the Eye Moisture / Cornea surfaces causing this depending on the Render Evironment settings. In those instances, I set Eye Moisture and Cornea to all the default iray settings, then set Transparency Weight to 1 and Refract to 1.25 or even 1.2. This gives the model clear eyes and allows the Sclera surface to pass through unaffected by them. Hope one of these solutions helps you.
It does, thanks for the tip
Ok so I don't have eye moisture or Sclera for options anywhere under surfaces or anything. Is that something I have to purchase? BTW I am using Caroline Genesis 8 Female for this example. I even selected "all files" and did a search for both settings and nothing came up.
In upper part of surfaces tab select Editor, instead of Presets or Shader Baker. You should than see "Surfaces" menu. Click on the little triangle in front of it to expand the menu.
Btw, some of the best looking Scleras (and Iris', for that matter) come from Mousso's characters! Also, checkout Allegra HD. Very realistic eyes!
Of course all of the above does apply and teaches you how to do it your self I just wanted to point out that has a very good white sclera and also some nice bloody veins ones and a big plus a the Lacrimal can be set to nice and shiny and you get some nice new extra irises to play around with. Have fun! ;)