4.14 crashing instantly, what are the options here?

Hey all, I recently switched my 2070 Super out for an RTX 3090 and I have the most up to date studio drivers. Knowing that the version of Daz I was using (4.12 not beta) did not offer support for this card, I opened Daz central and clicked update to 4.14. Upon opening Daz 4.14 after the install was finished, it froze for about 10 seconds before crashing with no error message. I tried opening it several more times to only experience the same result. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling 2 times and I restarted my PC in between attempts. Additionally, before I did anything I copied the entirety of the "My Daz3D Library" folder into my auxiliary drive to ensure I could just paste it in if things went wrong (has worked before but I'm not sure this is a good idea). What should I do? I'm trying to not lose any of the progress I've made using Daz, do I need to do a full wipe? My scene files are saved on my auxiliary drive as well as the "My Daz3D Library" folder as mentioned previously. I am not opposed to downloading the beta for 4.12 so Daz can not only work but actually support my card. Thank you for your time.


  • It may be worth going to

    %AppData%/daz 3d/studio3publicbuild/

    and removing the actions, customactions, layout, menus, and toolbars .dsx files in case it's corrupt interface files.

  • Thanks for the reply. Tried that, unfortunately, it didn't work. I even uninstalled and reinstalled again as well only to get the same result as before, what should I do?

  • Nevermind, I ended up wiping slate clean and removing all data. It's all working like a charm now.

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