Beautiful animals and their Fantasy Kin.

Hi all!
I have some ideas for animals often used in fantasy imagery as well as horror or natural scenes.
We've seen how far and how beautiful the Daz Big cats have become, and how gorgeous the Daz horse has become.. and ofcourse, how greatly the dragons improved. But I'm missing quite a few things. If I could model myself, I would do so and give that a go, but alas.
Would anyone be interrested in making a wolf, the quality of the big cats and the horse?
Preferrably one that can be resized to a riding-animal as well, maybe a saddle of sorts.
Perhaps a direwolf morph? There's so many options which haven't been done.
I also like Lycaon and the MS Lycan, but they just... don't fully click. I'm looking for the wereWOLF.
The 'Van Helsing' type. And with me, I know, quite a few others.
Maybe a Red Riding Hood bundle, anyone? With a wolf/werewolf/character and red riding hood clothing?
And what about the beautiful creatures such as Falcons and ravens?
Foxes? Maned wolves? Stags and deer?
Yes, I've seen freebies, I've seen those for sale.
I'd be more then willing to give these beautiful creatures a lovely home in my library and renders. :)
I'm sure at some point they will redo the dog and that it will get wolf morphs then. Fox isn't out of the question as a dog morph as far as that goes. Just a matter of patience till they get around to it.
This is exactly what I was thinking. A giant war wolf, with nice big fangs, huge claws, a saddle for my Victoria Sixes and LAMH fur presets. Something that a DAZ Big Cat 2 would take one look at and then flee in terror.
Incidentally, keep an eye on Alessandro Mastronadi's store. There are all sorts of furry animals in there. Most of the recent ones have LAMH fur presets and more are promised.
Actually pretty awesome you feel like that, too, Alexhcowley. Indeed, Alessandro has gorgeous animals in his store.
I know I'm just a nooblet, but I'm very picky which model to get, from whom or what for.
AM's wolf is the only decent wolf out there so far, but I'm looking for the slightly more realistic wolf. No, maybe realistic isn't the word I'm looking for. Maybe the word 'Up to date' is better.
Because compaired to his other, beautiful creatures, his wolf looks outdated. Where I'd buy his skunk, kangaroo, raccoon and moose in a heartbeat, I skip the wolf, honesty told. The poor thing has grown old and it didn't age well. I see the promos of his wolves, and they feel.. static. Unrealistic. Where I'd reach out to cuddle the raccoon right away.
Would he feel up to updating it to his current quality or even creating what I'm looking for, I'd jump with joy.
Would he make a fox, insert in cart.
For yes.. I look for -more-.
I've not found that certain werewolf that has that.. *Snaps fingers, makes grand gesture* .. -that-.
I've seen furry characters, like the classic 'Jäger', but I'm not looking for furries. I'm looking for brutal werewolves.
I've seen 'The Manitou' + it's "Savage Wolf' expansion, which came a lot closer to what I'm looking for but still, no cigar... and 'Ultimate werewolf', but they didn't have that thing I'm looking for.
Some of the other commercial ones have too human faces (and a horrid overbite in a promo), others suffer the 'mange' curse a lot of movie werewolves have, or more resemble bats in my view.
The look I'd love to find and buy, is the werewolf 'model' and hair I've seen in the movie 'Van Helsing' (With Hugh Jackman). Now that beast had the whole... *Snaps fingers, grand gesture*.. -That-!
Bring a likewise monstrous morph to a wonderful wolf, and you've got the package I'd gladly pay moolahs for.
A Dreambundle, inspired by the old "Werewolf: The Apocalypse" RP game from White Wolf Publishing:
• The five forms of the Wolf (Male): Human (Gen4-Genesis-Gen2), wolfman (morph), Werewolf (seperate Model), Direwolf (morph), wolf (seperate model).
• The five forms of the Wolf (Female): Human (Gen4-Genesis-Gen2), wolfman (morph), Werewolf (seperate Model), Direwolf (morph), wolf (seperate model).
(To get an idea: )
• Saddle for the Direwolf-wolf-form.
• Saddle for the wolf-form
• Savage outfit (male)
• Savage outfit (female)
• Unimesh fits Savage Outfit
• LAMH Presets
• Texture pack - White, gray, Silver-Timber, black, Red, Sand
• Other races - Maned Wolf, Fox, Hyena. (All corresponding with the forms & morph forms)
Make this into a bundle, and you'll sure get some folks throwing their money at the screen, me included!
Combine with a Vampire Related bundle for a 'Turf-Wars of the Classics' Bundle. More money impacting on screens? Must have been mine o.0 Cause yes, I'd buy that.
I'm really hoping/looking forward to anyone picking up that idea, or Daz picking up on it.
Or finding that golden ticket to the lottery and getting me Z-brush and a course for it, as well as all the necessary modeling/rigging/mapping lessons. >_>
I have Alessandro's raccoon, skunk, anteater and alligator snapping turtle. They are all exceptionally good and the raccoon is adorable although I would advise against trying to cuddle a real one as they have a vicious reputation. He is currently working some bear cubs. I can't wait to see those.
I think his wolf is one of his earlier models, from his pre-LAMH days. He has talked about updating it, I do hope this happens.
The Bear Cubs looking good so far:
For Alessandros Wolf there is a free LAMH-Preset available, scroll down a bit at this page:
The Bear Cubs looking good so far:
For Alessandros Wolf there is a free LAMH-Preset available, scroll down a bit at this page:
Thanks for the links. The bear cub looks incredibly cute, the pose and facial expression are both very good indeed.
Thanks for the links, MN-150374!
It's nice that it has a LAMH-preset. It makes it a good deal better.
However, still looks.. outdated. In the face, don't get me wrong.
Look at the raccoon and now looking at the bear-cub, you can see what I mean: They have expressive faces, where the wolf still doesn't.
And the expressions one can make look... unnatural.
First picture doesn't look realistic at all, and the last promo-pic reminds me more of scooby-doo then a wolf.
So I reeeeaallly hope he updates and makes it as gorgeous and realistic as his skunk, raccoon, moose, anteater etc <3</p>