Export to Zbrush texture and pose

 would like someone to show me how to take a daz3d model and transfer it with the pose and material retained.  When I transfer with FBX or OBJ I can get the model with textures or pose but not both.  

Tried GOZ -- I get the model with the pose but no texture
      Attempt to put texture back on but the UV has changed and the body is all one part so the textures can no longer match.

Tried FXB
     I get the texture but the model is in the T pose

Tried OBJ  
    I get the model in the pose but no texture  same as goz

With GOZ or OBJ, the body is joined as one subtool as opposed to the FXB which has subtools for the face body legs, etc.   Unfortunately, the joined body has overlapping UV maps and therefore the texture maps from the OBJ can no longer be applied.    

Please see the attached images.  

Looking for someone to show me a workflow to get the textured posed figure to zbrush.  Preferably as one part like the (GOZ and OBJ forms)  Please Help Venmo is available for a solution!

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