1.5.21_Anatomical Elements Deleted base mesh?

Hey all,
So I found out that when loading the Victoria 8 pro bundles genetalia, it ended up deleting the base mesh of teh G8F that was there,
is there anyway to bring it back?
I already have the character posed and everything and dont want to start anew again
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
can't you just add it back?
You mean you loaded the Anatomical Elements and the figure vanished in the scene? Just checking this isn't about instalaltion.
Is it gone from the Scene pane too, or just not visible in the Viewport? Did you get any messages on loading? Is the rest of the scene still there, assuming there was a rest?
I think this was in reference to the mesh where the elements install ... I've noticed it a couple times... where if you added them and then turned them off... there was an empty space beneath that won't reponsd to new skin being added to the torso. So yes, it takes the mesh that it replaces away.
It doesn't "take the mesh away", just hides it from view. If you delete the anatomical element from the scene, the underlying mesh becomes visible again with the texture the character has been given.
Hiding and/or unparenting the anatomical element is not enough to make the underlying mesh to become visible - Pain in the beehind with some clothing items that are using the same method to hide body parts they should cover.