Looking for a way to clean up the morph library

I just came across morph duplicates in my personal product folder. I have no idea how that happened, when and why, as at the times these files originate I never dealt with something like saver as morph asset... Anyway, it is as it is and the problem I have is that my custom characters now use these dupes instead of the original morphs and deleting them to speed up things destroys my characters, as per another thread exporting via morphloader pro is not an option either, as the reimported character show joint distortion in some areas.
So, the question (thanks out to the restless @Richard Haseltine in advance ;) ): is if there is a way to redirect the vectors to the original morphs. I know it's probably going to be a lot of work but still less than reapplying JCMs to the reimported morphs and in the end saved time over the hog I am currently experiencing with myriads of morphs applied when loading and saving characters and scenes.


  • You actually have duplicate files, not a Duplicate Formulas error? You can edit the path in the .duf file for the character (making a copy first, of course) though you will probably need to uncompress it first (using the Natch Convert pane in DS or an archive tool - I usually use 7Zip).

  • kgrosserkgrosser Posts: 141

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You actually have duplicate files, not a Duplicate Formulas error? You can edit the path in the .duf file for the character .

    Thanks a lot, your ongoing and great help is highly appreciated!

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