Something other than Blender
in New Users
Hey, for some unknown reason Blender just stopped loading on my computer. I get that quick error box that last like 1/4 of a second and then it crashes. I have tried new video driver. Reinstalling it. Googled a hundred things on the net only to find I am not the only one having this problem. I tried Reinstalling earlier versions and nothiong works. Even tried running it on steam. I was wondewring, is there another FREE program like Blender I can use? All I really want it for is to turn my indavidual scenes into animations and add some sound.
I guess i could do that in Daz but I would rather not and can you even add sound with Daz? i have no idea.
What are you doing in it? There are a fair number of free modellers (starting with Hexagon here at Daz).
Does Blender not produce a log? If so that might at least let you see what the error said.
There are a fair number of 3D modeling programs out there for free other than Blender (Hexagon, Wings3D), but they are pretty much focused on pure modeling. I don't think any of them can do animation or sound.
If all you want to do is animation and sound, though, perhaps something like Unity? I don't know because I've never worked with it, but I think it could do what you want.