How do I bake position / rotation to be Zero?


I have retargetted G2F in another software, and when I imported it in DAZ, it was rotated 80 degrees and it was placed up in the air

I have attached a screenshot.

I needed to set the Y rotation to -80 and Y translation to -14.49 to make it "normal".

How do I bake the values so that they appear as 0, 0, 0?

I want the pose to look like it does now (with the foot touching the ground and rotation being "normal"), but without the parameters Y translation = -14.49 and Y Rotate = -80.

Instead, Y translation should appears as 0, and Y Rotate should appear as 0 in the parameters pane.


ps: I have put green boxes over anything that might be seen as offensive. I hope I didn't miss anything.

Post edited by johann.hesters_2e9dd0ece9 on


  • Rather than apply boxes, just put the Viewport in Smooth Shaded drawstyle.

    Rotations can be baked (Joint Editor tool right-click menu) but I can't think of/recall a way to bake translations. You could fake it - create a new parameter (right-click in Parameters pane>enable Edit mode, right-click>Create New Property) and use the Property Hierarchy pane to link it to the real translation with an offset, so that when it was zero the actual translation had the desired value.

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