Identify Product

geordiesharpgeordiesharp Posts: 171
edited December 2020 in Product Suggestions

This may be a long shot, but ages ago I saw a campsite product on daz3d, Can't find it now and can't remember the name of it. 

All I can give as a description is, a picture of a world war 2 jeep, sitting in front of a campsite, with a camper trailer in the background, 

Does anyone recognize this , and could give me help finding it,  have looked everywhere :(

Thanks Matt

Post edited by geordiesharp on


  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582

    Was it the teardrop trailer or something bigger?

  • Hey Pwiecek, No it was not the teardrop trailer , it was a square trailer with box compartments, also it has a world war 2 jeep in the pictures too, I don't know if the jeep was part of the product or just there as a picture to demo the product.

  • geordiesharp said:

    Hey Pwiecek, No it was not the teardrop trailer , it was a square trailer with box compartments, also it has a world war 2 jeep in the pictures too, I don't know if the jeep was part of the product or just there as a picture to demo the product.

  • There use to be a product here named "Bug-Out Encampment". It sounds an awful lot like the item you described. . Although I do not see it listed here anymore. It thought it rather odd. I do not think I ever heard of a person camping with a fifty caliber machine gun mounted to their jeep. I imagine bears must be tough it that part of the country.

    Bug-Out Encampment.png
    2560 x 1440 - 7M
  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026

    dstrat57_e59b703de6 said:

    There use to be a product here named "Bug-Out Encampment". It sounds an awful lot like the item you described. . Although I do not see it listed here anymore. It thought it rather odd. I do not think I ever heard of a person camping with a fifty caliber machine gun mounted to their jeep. I imagine bears must be tough it that part of the country.

    I found this:

    I think the PA may have withdrawn from Daz, as the link to the Mirage's store leads to an Oops page. 

  • Hey  dstrat57_e59b703de6    watchdog79  Thanks for the reply, YES that is it BUG OUT ENCAMPMENT, and your right, it looks like it is not available through DAZ anymore, nothing comes up with the search for it or the creators name :(  

    Oh well , guess I should have bought it when I had the chance .

    Thanks Anyway

  • geordiesharpgeordiesharp Posts: 171
    edited April 2021
    It may be a long shot given that the product has been out for such a long time. But can anyone identify the bikini used in "FWSA Piper HD for Victoria 7 and Her Jewelry" I've looked everywhere, even tried to contact the creator, but no reply yet :( Thanks
    Post edited by geordiesharp on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191
    edited April 2021

    Looks like Hongyu's Bikini to me, but that came out substantially after Piper.

    edit: oh, of course. Hongyu's Bikini for V7.

    Post edited by Gordig on
  • geordiesharpgeordiesharp Posts: 171
    edited April 2021

    Hey Gordig,   Yeah that was what I thought it was, but I have both of those , and neither has the style of stripes :( I'm starting to think it was done by mixing shaders and so on, Anyway Thanks .

    Post edited by geordiesharp on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    geordiesharp said:

    Hey Gordig,   Yeah that was what I thought it was, but I have both of those , and neither has the style of stripes :( I'm starting to think it was done by mixing shaders and so on, Anyway Thanks .

    That or they just took it into photoshop or gimp and made their own texture for the promo, which is fairly easy to do.

  • Yeah possibly, either way I have given up looking, unless someone comes up with a product name, I think I will rethink my need for this.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited April 2021

    Bugging out is a well established prepper concept. 

    The Daz docs Has the product description listed. Every product is listed  even the ones eventually remove or retired.  The product was released in 2018 by PA Mirage,

    Some useful props mixed in there.

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • Hey Firstbastian, Thanks for the reply, I did figure out what that one was a while ago, but I can't get it from DAZ nor can I find it anywhere else, So sadly I gave up looking, but thanks for the info anyway.

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