Rigging is ridiculous

I have try everything in rigging, but nothing seems to work. Do you guys have any soluation for the alien tripod from war of the worlds movie especally when I do the geometry editor in surface from surface selected. I need some help :(

727 x 969 - 86K
how are doing the rigging?, should be very easy being a hard surface figure not blended joints, I did a video rigging Lara Croft from PS1, I hope this helps you.
and other for props.
is that figure of yours a freebie? or where can I get that?, I think I have the solution, but without the product at hand can't do any help or value and I hate theorizing solutions.
I had similar problems when rigging a Hulkbuster, I fixed but nobody said "i want that video" and due to that never did that video...seems that people hate daz rigging. (easiest rigging for me, FOR ME i said)
that figure/prop have unecessary geometry! +500K polys!!, god bless I have Decimator!
that way I would rig, hip bone does not need to be so big imho.
If you use Blender you can break in two parts, head and the rest of the figure OR separate in head/body/ limb1 /2 and /3
this part is so problematic as you wish to make it, for me is a still "arm/leg" but I think it needs to be organic and for that you will need to use not Parametric Legacy but Weight mapped.
Okay thank you. I forgot to hang you an obj file. If daz allows that. And Lastly what should I do with the three tentacles should I use a bone or a weight map.
because you paid for the figure I think is not ethic share your file, but I appreciate your support.
for the 3 tentacles...mmh, nope, you need 2 bones for each one, the long ones can be scaled, think outside the box, is an alien figure, so, is not necessary limit its parameters, and for sure Scale is one of them to use in many ways, weight map is a must, you can use parametric legacy only if the figure have separated parts or you would have this issue...
but if you choose Parametric rigging instead you need to relocate the bones, for me is more tedious than asign weight mapping, but is not impossible, just more time to fix.
Did you create Vertex Groups for each part; they are needed and should be named accordingly
Use the Snipping Tool.
Please use the Snip and Sketch app, if that's Windows 10, to take a proper screen shot - that photo isn't wholly readable.
okay I can try that
I was doing a filled by a bone from the head part of my tripod rigging in Trix weight mapping. Therefore the barrel from the upper body rigging was moving while I moved the head. Any solution
I finally figure it out, but not the rigging. It been weeks.
just my experience with rigging...
but especially noted to "kevdawgsutton57" as I just rigged a very articulated helicopter....
first I completely modeled all parts in Hexagon, taking care to have all rigged parts as seperate peices, all non-movables combined into a single static peice.
it don't matter what you use to model, they all have the ability to do as noted above about movables and non-movables. so, on to DS...
1] in an empty scene, open the figure setup pane, left side, r-click and import your obj, scale (I have my hex obj to DS so that I scale up 1000 for personal reasons)[you can always scale at end of rigging (before 'memorizing rigging and saving).. drag the geometry from left side to "Geometry: <none> on right side... make sure 'apply subD" is checked, click create..
2] with "weight map tool" selected right click anywhere, convert weight to general weight, then again r-click and this time delete triax weights.
.... with mechanical type rigs, you don't need or want triax because you don't usually want blended weighted bends...
3] The Magic !! select the figure in your scene tab, then with Bone tool selected, r-click 'select by' ... 'face groups' this will let you select each bone-part of your rig precisely.
switch to weight map tool, r-click select by face group again, the going r-click and 'fill selected'. This attaches the actual group to the bone.
back to the bone tool: using the sliders, adj 'origin' position in x,y,z to your need... you can also change the orientation of the bone, use the property dials for that part to see if its working as you want...
4] you repeat for each part of the model... then when its all how you want, with bone tool selected, r-click and memorize the rigging so it sticks when you save the figure.
Finally, when you first import the geometry and before you 'create' do your "parenting" (like a tire to the gear assy, and both to the body of the craft)....
Best feature so far for me? In doing all that rigging an grouping and parenting, if I reall screw it up.... just file---new.... and the original import of geometry is still there in the figure set up...
hope it helps someone.. just remember, using triax for strictly mechanical figures is a whole lot of work you don't need, use general weighting instead....
and you have very good experience!, congrats, great explanation.
So you want me to go to 1,000 scale plus Subd, and then go to Parametruc (Legacy) instead of Trixa Weight.