Cameras and Puppeteer keyframes

tianxiangxiongtianxiangxiong Posts: 21

I'm trying to animate the camera using Puppeteer. When using a figure, I can go to the desired frame, set mode to "Preview", and click on the layer to make the frame record the pose as a keyframe. W/ the camera, no keyframe is created. However, the effect still seems to be applied. This is a problem when I make a mistake and want to reset camera's position on a certain frame by deleting the keyframe--there's no keyframe to delete.

The workaround is to duplicate the camera and delete the old one so the bad "invisible" keyframes are deleted with it. This is less than ideal when compared to how individual keyframes can be deleted for other objects, however.

Does anyone else have this problem? How do you deal w/ it?

This is Daz Studio

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