Tool (script?) for rendering lights in layers

XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions


Most of the time I render the lights individually (one image per light) and combine them in Photoshop. This gives great flexibility and control of your lightning in postwork, because you can still change the intensity and color of the lights. And you can erase parts where you dont want light, and so on....

I believe there are many users doing this, so I am not alone with this method :-)

The only frustrating thing with it is that you always have to be near your PC. When one light (render) is finished, you have to switch to the next light, render, next light, render..... until you have them all.

So, what I would like to have is a tool, script, plugin or whatever that automates that process. It could work like this:

- name the lights in your scene as light1, light2, light3, ...
- start the tool
- the tool renders every light as an individual image and saves it as light1.bmp, light2.bmp, light3.bmp.... in your default render folder.

Has anyone ever tried that? Could such a tool be possible? If yes, please, please, please do it. I would pay for it! :-)

I know that there is already a batch render tool for DAZ Studio: , but this is not the same. Working with this tool, I would have to save my scene several times (each with one light) and then this tool would render all the scene files. Ok, it is similar to what I want, but not the same :-)


  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547
    edited December 1969

    Relight. This product is exactly what you want, but it does not work in DS 4. The author said if he listen people expressing interest he would consider an update, so voice your interest in this thread and maybe we can get an updated version.

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969
  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    wwes said:

    Thank you very much! This is exactly what I was looking for. Cool!!!!! :-)

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969

    XoechZ said:

    Thank you very much! This is exactly what I was looking for. Cool!!!!! :-)

    I know! :) glad I could help. Happy rendering!

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    Oh, one moment please. I just discovered a problem with that script!

    It works perfectly witht the DAZ standard lights, but it does NOT work with the AoA Advanced lights!
    I have set up a small scene for testing and added 3 Advanced spotlights. Then rendered with the script. But when the first image (light) is finished, the script asks me if I want to overwrite the next file with the previous one. When I click on no, the script stops. Why is that?
    I have named the lights differently in the scen tab, but that does not help.

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969

    Oops, that I cant help you with. Maybe ask the script writer in the other thread?

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    Yes, I will do that. Thank you!

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