DAZ refreshes content library (almost) every time I save, how do I turn that off?

As someone that hits Save very frequently, DAZ has a habit of refreshing the Content Library, especially annoying when I've navigated to the perfect subfolder. How do I turn the refreshing off?
It's odd that it doesn't happen all the time
Just a bit of quick testing and wandering through the settings, and it appears to happen everytime one saves, it's just more noticeable in some situations and there's no setting to stop it i could find.
A work around is to select one of the other folders and then use the back button in the Content Library tab.
Just checking to see if this is the same as what's been happening to me. Does the content library pane go empty in a folder that has items in it, and then doesn't show those items until you mouse over the pane?
DrunkMonkey - I will try that!
Lissa - for me, the library pane refreshes and all the subfolders collapse, so I have to re-expand "My Library" and "My DAZ 3D Library" to see all the subfolders.. very annoying especially since the library can be a maze to navigate through!