Dynamic clothing dropping through the collision item

SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
edited December 1969 in New Users

Whenever I want to drape dynamic clothing over a piece of furniture, it partly or completely drops though it, as if it weren't there. I am setting the chair or whatever as the only collision item, placing the dynamic clothing just above it and then hitting "drape"

It's driving me crazy. Any ideas?


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    I suspect it is down to a 'vertex count mismatch'. From what I understand the collision mechanism works at the vertex level, so the two items involved (the dynamic item and the item currently being checkd for collision) need to have a similar vertex density. A lot of 'simple' items, such as props of furniture that are mainly straight or square in appearance do not often come with high polygon count, and hence a 'limited' number of vertices. Small things also have a habit of falling through (nipples being a prime example!)

    Depending on where and what with the fall through is happening you might be able to use SubD on the collision test item (but be prepared for it to look very strange (sudden rounded corners) - and be aware that SubD cannot be undone once applied, you'd need to reload and re-position anything adversely affected). If that does not work you ocudl try adding some DAZ primitives made with a suitbaly high number of 'divisions' in 'strategic locations' and have the dynamic item set up to collide with those, as well. It's a bit of a faff, but it does work and bears out experimenting with.

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    edited December 1969

    SimonJM said:
    I suspect it is down to a 'vertex count mismatch'. From what I understand the collision mechanism works at the vertex level, so the two items involved (the dynamic item and the item currently being checkd for collision) need to have a similar vertex density. A lot of 'simple' items, such as props of furniture that are mainly straight or square in appearance do not often come with high polygon count, and hence a 'limited' number of vertices. Small things also have a habit of falling through (nipples being a prime example!)

    Depending on where and what with the fall through is happening you might be able to use SubD on the collision test item (but be prepared for it to look very strange (sudden rounded corners) - and be aware that SubD cannot be undone once applied, you'd need to reload and re-position anything adversely affected). If that does not work you ocudl try adding some DAZ primitives made with a suitbaly high number of 'divisions' in 'strategic locations' and have the dynamic item set up to collide with those, as well. It's a bit of a faff, but it does work and bears out experimenting with.

    Hey thanks! That helped a lot (the primitives idea). :D

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    I've had this occur on Genesis 2 figures with the Dynamic Royal Dress as well though. I think sometimes the Optitex engine just has a major glitch out and fails. Even reloading previous save files hasn't fixed the issue for me. The only way I was able to return to the status quo was starting the entire scene from fresh.

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    edited December 1969

    I've had this occur on Genesis 2 figures with the Dynamic Royal Dress as well though. I think sometimes the Optitex engine just has a major glitch out and fails. Even reloading previous save files hasn't fixed the issue for me. The only way I was able to return to the status quo was starting the entire scene from fresh.

    Thanks. It does seem to be incredibly fragile and unreliable. I am just using the simple Dynamic Clothing pane that comes with DAZ Studio. Is there an upgrade? Or a fuller version?

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    There's a paid version. I don't own it, so I can't really judge whether or not it fixes the bugs in the basic version. I do know it comes with more controls for adjusting the cloth settings though.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    So far as I know the full version just adds extra functionality and doe snot alter the drape mechanism in any way.

  • v1si0n4ryv1si0n4ry Posts: 82

    THANKS MAN, this solved a problem I had when dynamic clothing would fall through a HD character with SubD 3 (for HD morphs). Returning the caracter to SubD 1 solved it.

    SimonJM said:

    I suspect it is down to a 'vertex count mismatch'. From what I understand the collision mechanism works at the vertex level, so the two items involved (the dynamic item and the item currently being checkd for collision) need to have a similar vertex density. A lot of 'simple' items, such as props of furniture that are mainly straight or square in appearance do not often come with high polygon count, and hence a 'limited' number of vertices. Small things also have a habit of falling through (nipples being a prime example!)

    Depending on where and what with the fall through is happening you might be able to use SubD on the collision test item (but be prepared for it to look very strange (sudden rounded corners) - and be aware that SubD cannot be undone once applied, you'd need to reload and re-position anything adversely affected). If that does not work you ocudl try adding some DAZ primitives made with a suitbaly high number of 'divisions' in 'strategic locations' and have the dynamic item set up to collide with those, as well. It's a bit of a faff, but it does work and bears out experimenting with.


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