Fitting G8F heels to G8M-based model?

Wondering if anyone knows of a solution these days for fitting G8F heels to a G8M-based model. I'm having great success with other clothing items, but heels seem to be a non starter. Anyone aware of heels for G8M or a technique for fitting them?


  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    The only female-style heels for G8M that I know of are included in

    You can also try using Cross-Figure on heels to make them work with G8M.

  • vwrangler said:

    The only female-style heels for G8M that I know of are included in

    You can also try using Cross-Figure on heels to make them work with G8M.

     Thank you on both counts! I had no idea that the first option existed! That might work. I'll look into the second option as well.

  • Using

    1. let AutoFit do its thing
    2. pose Genesis 8 Male to show the shoes' deformation
    3. select left foot
    4. activate the Node Weight Map Brush from the Tools menu
    5. In Tool Settings select general Weights - you should now see red to blue shading over much of the model.
    6. right-click in Viewport>Brush Mode>Geometry Selection
    7. drag to select some vertices at the bottom of the heel going all the way around, you can use ctrl to add to the selection and alt to subtract
    8. press ctrl + to keep growing the selection until it has the whole shaft but not going into any non-red areas - doing this avoids having to click-select in iunaccessible areas
    9. right-click>Weight Editing>Fill Selected
    10. enter a value of 100% and click Accept

    The heels should then straighten out. You can of course then do the same for the other foot.

    In this case there was already a Smoothing Modifier applied so I just changed the smoothing type to generic (because the base shape has some baked in wrinkles) and added a couple of iterations - if there's no Smoothing Modifier initially you can apply one through Edit>Figure>Geometry>Apply Smoothing Modifier. It's not perfect, but once it has textures it should be usable. The technique won't work for platforms, of course, and might fail for heels with thicker attachments or shoes with thicker soles but ti should give a starting point.


    Left heel edited, right plain.jpg
    845 x 689 - 57K
  • Richard Haseltine said:


    1. let AutoFit do its thing
    2. pose Genesis 8 Male to show the shoes' deformation
    3. select left foot
    4. activate the Node Weight Map Brush from the Tools menu
    5. In Tool Settings select general Weights - you should now see red to blue shading over much of the model.
    6. right-click in Viewport>Brush Mode>Geometry Selection
    7. drag to select some vertices at the bottom of the heel going all the way around, you can use ctrl to add to the selection and alt to subtract
    8. press ctrl + to keep growing the selection until it has the whole shaft but not going into any non-red areas - doing this avoids having to click-select in iunaccessible areas
    9. right-click>Weight Editing>Fill Selected
    10. enter a value of 100% and click Accept

    The heels should then straighten out. You can of course then do the same for the other foot.

    In this case there was already a Smoothing Modifier applied so I just changed the smoothing type to generic (because the base shape has some baked in wrinkles) and added a couple of iterations - if there's no Smoothing Modifier initially you can apply one through Edit>Figure>Geometry>Apply Smoothing Modifier. It's not perfect, but once it has textures it should be usable. The technique won't work for platforms, of course, and might fail for heels with thicker attachments or shoes with thicker soles but ti should give a starting point.


    I think there's something else going on here too. Every time I load the shoes I'm wanting to use, the character's full body morph gets overridden and defaults/reverts to G8M. Not sure how to explain that one.

  • That sounds as if the shoes have an overzealous set of properties saved. Try loading them with nothing selected, or with something other than Genesis 8 male and his existing clothes selected, then fit them to Genesis 8 Male.

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