Daz Central problems with Zbrush 2019.1.2

Hi, this is a bit of a mess, I updated my Macbook pro with the new OS Big Sur 11.1 and now Daz doesn't work anymore... so I installed Daz Central on my laptop pc and tried to insert the Daz exe file path in my zbrush 2019.1.2 and it seems that I cannot locate Daz exe anywhere anymore... what is going on? I'm working with Daz for many years and never had this many issues before... I tried this path (using windows search with daz*.* keyword) C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DAZStudio.exe but Zbrush says that "Path does not exist, check the path and try again...
That would not be the path Daz Central would use for the application - it dumps everything in a single master Daz 3D folder on the chosen drive. You may want to install using Install Manager https://www.daz3d.com/get_install_manager/
I used the install manager and I finally got the exe file, but it seems that anytime I bridge back from zbrush I get a new mesh instead of a morph... maybe it depends on the old version of zbrush I'm using dunno. About the MacBook Pro, it looks like daz is not the only application that now cannot be loaded anymore... I also got problems with the Epic Games launcher... hopefully they will be fixed soon :D. Thanks for the reply and Merry Christmas!
If you are trying to make a morph make sure you send the mesh over at base resolution, not current, and that you don't divide it in ZBrush (or if you do that you zero the divisions).