[SOLVED]facial rig parameters on Gen8 Fem. Can they be moved manually?

the genesis 8F has a number of facial parameters for upper jaw, ears, etc. which I cant seem to do anything with unless I manually type numbers into the parameters tab. Otherwise they dont move and I dont see a way to control them using the power pose. secondly my power pose tab does not appear to be as new as some of the ones I've seen on youtube.
what am I doing wrong?
Post edited by StratDragon on
How does PowerPose look? Is the Content Managment System running?
It looks like it has for years and CM is not running. That computer was moved to my office and the wi-fi adapter is a casio watch with a coat hanger. I cant get it on line right now.
It may be, though I'm not certain, that without the CMS DS doesn't identify the figure as having a better template and so you just get the generic one.
The powerpose templates for the Genesis 8 figures are a separate download/install.
On the scene tab, be sure the show hidden nodes is toggled on.
Then one can select the node on the scene tab, make changes using the dials on the Parameters Tab.
or one can use Power Pose.
There is no way I would have found this without your help. thank you!
You're quite welcome :-)
In the days before 8 when there was 3 ... and no special bone head templates, I would use another method. The tutorial's here if anybody is interested. Involves carefully selecting [ONLY selecting, don't 'do' anything with it] the bone with the geometry editor tool, switching tools [i.e. to the pointer] and using the dials on the parameters to make changes.