Shrinkwrapping a custom head to G8?

I have made this custom head in Blender, using a KeenTools plugin. Is there a way to "shrinkwrap" this head onto a G8 figure? What software would I need for this?

Thanks a lot,

Kind regards,



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610
    edited December 2020

    it actually needs the G8 head (with full base mesh no vertex number changes)shrink wrapped to it to create a morph target object for DAZ.

    Blender is your software if that is what you work best with

    another option but not free I know of is the latest Facegen by Singular Inversions that now can use 3D head objects as well as photo fitting.

    I don't know if the version sold at DAZ has been updated yet but it likely will be sometime too.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Thanks for the reply! Are there any tutorials out there on how to do this in Blender? Thanks a lot!!!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610
    edited December 2020

    gibrril_fa945a6cee said:

    Thanks for the reply! Are there any tutorials out there on how to do this in Blender? Thanks a lot!!!

    maybe ask in the Blender forum as it really is not my preferred software  

    I myself use Zbrush 

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • onixonix Posts: 282

    the question is if you want to shrinkwrap your custom head on G8 or G8 head on to your  figure

    Daz actually has this shrinkwrap function which is used for clothes and other wearable items. and it could be used for the head with some success too.

    it is under Edit->Figure->Transfer utility

    but this is only meaningful if your goal is to use G8 morphs and expressions on your figure. and it is not going to work very well if your head is considerably different from G8 default head If you made some kind of anime cartoon head don't even bother it will look terrible. for this to work most facial features have to match pretty well with the G8 model because if they are considerably different it will work wrong






  • charlescharles Posts: 849
    edited December 2020

    You can definantly do this with blender and I'm working on a video tutorial on how I got it to work. I have not tried inside Daz but will to see if it is easier.


    But basically you need to export the g8 model as an obj with specific vertex perserving options on, shrinkwrap and align, then export back out perserving your vertexes and directions and bring that into daz using Morph Loader Pro (built in.) You may then need to realign your rigging.

    Post edited by charles on
  • I tried shrinkwrapping  a g8f over digital emily before, and it seemed to work except it leaves some artifacts that might be hard to clean up. If anyone has tips on shrinkwrapping, i'd appreciate that too.



    You can also try sculpting it side by side. Here's my attempt at doing that:

    if you're good you can do it pretty fast since there's not that many vertices to work with. It still looks decent though thanks to subdivision.



  • Thanks for the replies. I would like to use the shape of my custom head as a morph for the G8 head that I could then just dial in. How would I go about that in Blender? (Or DAZ) Thanks a lto, kind regards, Me

  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    The only tool I know that does mesh wrapping at a professional level is r3ds wrap.

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    another option but not free I know of is the latest Facegen by Singular Inversions that now can use 3D head objects as well as photo fitting.

     I don't think the new scan tool does mesh wrapping, so you may be disappointed. I think it justs matches up the proportions of the face between the eyes and mouth. A 3d scan has better point-to-point distances than a photo, so that's all it's doing.


  • FaceGen [the updated version] does take in .obj scans to work with.

    That being said, the .obj for Emily is not finished enough to work in it.


    Emily's mesh is not ready for Facegen.png
    838 x 604 - 184K
  • So you can't convert a custom blender head to a G8 head morph in blender?

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,407
    edited December 2020

    gibrril_fa945a6cee said:

    So you can't convert a custom blender head to a G8 head morph in blender?

     Well "I" can't - but allegedly some can do so using Blender.

    Is this custom blender head an .obj you can send my way? I can see if Facegen will load it. IF it can, then I can have it make morphs with it for any of the Genesis people - so do let me know also which figure you want it for. {you could upload it to Google Drive for example and PM me the link}


    Hmm ... this might not be a solution for you. I found a wrinkled old man's head .obj and tried it. Facegen does its thing and the general head shape is made. It did not make all the lumps and bumps! n.b. the .obj was not ideal as the expression was not 'neutral'.

    {to make the character in D/S would then require either using existing wrinkle morphs and/or making additional morphs in the normal manner {not via shrinkwrap}}.

    would need more work.png
    1136 x 794 - 503K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Seven193 said:

    The only tool I know that does mesh wrapping at a professional level is r3ds wrap.

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    another option but not free I know of is the latest Facegen by Singular Inversions that now can use 3D head objects as well as photo fitting.

     I don't think the new scan tool does mesh wrapping, so you may be disappointed. I think it justs matches up the proportions of the face between the eyes and mouth. A 3d scan has better point-to-point distances than a photo, so that's all it's doing.


    I have used the mentioned Wrap3d to map an AI generated .obj to Genesis 3 successfully. Wrap3d is designed specifically for this type of workflow so it has a number of tools in it to make the transfer work.  The problem is though, G3/G8 just don't have as much geometry as the source so the morphs end up being more subtle and less pronounced than the original obj.

  • prixatprixat Posts: 1,590

    Kelvin Jin, 'Shinteo' on DA has done a lot of conversions to G3/G8. He has recently been redoing the heads with Wrap3D.

    He has a few tutorials on Youtube on his transfer methods and Wrap3D.

  • davidtriunedavidtriune Posts: 452
    edited December 2020

    prixat said:

    Kelvin Jin, 'Shinteo' on DA has done a lot of conversions to G3/G8. He has recently been redoing the heads with Wrap3D.

    He has a few tutorials on Youtube on his transfer methods and Wrap3D.

    the OP ended up using R3DS's Wrap3D after all. (link) 

    Post edited by davidtriune on
  • Hi all,

    I did use Wrap3D after all, but I need one final piece of the puzzle: I have morph now, but I want it to affect just the head... Now it affects the entire figure. Is tehre a way in Daz Studio to limit the effect of the morph to the head only? Thanks a lot!!! Also, I have found that when applying the moprh to an already posed figure, the figure reverts to the default pose and to the center of the scene... How do I get rid of that?

    Thanks a lot,

    Kind regards,


  • charlescharles Posts: 849
    edited December 2020

    One thing I do in blender when using shrinkwrap is to only select the face, make sure everythihng else like eyes and ears and torso are not selected. Also edit your original base models with morphs as close as you can get it ot the target model before exporting that over to obj.

    Post edited by charles on
  • importing in morphloader you can also attenuate by body part

  • gibrril_fa945a6ceegibrril_fa945a6cee Posts: 544
    edited December 2020

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    importing in morphloader you can also attenuate by body part

    Thanks for the reply! How do I do that? Also, I have yet another question... :) I am now creating custom heads in Blender on a regular basis, but I made one for which the eyes pop out of the skull now... I can't for the life of me figure out how I need to readjust the eyballs in such a way they are lined up perfectly with my new mesh... Whenever I try and then apply the morph in Daz Studio, I can see the eyes moving off centre... Does anybody know how to keep the eyes steady? Thanks a lot!!!

    Post edited by gibrril_fa945a6cee on
  • charlescharles Posts: 849
    edited January 2021


    Here is a YouTube video I talked about using shrinkwrap in blender and turning into a G8 morph.

    Post edited by charles on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    gibrril_fa945a6cee said:

    I have made this custom head in Blender, using a KeenTools plugin. Is there a way to "shrinkwrap" this head onto a G8 figure? What software would I need for this?

    Thanks a lot,

    Kind regards,


    Without looking at the other responses:

    You need to shrinkwrap G8/3 - whatever - onto the head you created. That will give you the shape, which you could then import to Studio and create a morph with.

    You need the full base mesh ( make sure to turn off Sub D - not set it to 0/zero but turn to base) before exporting the mesh without the eyelashes; delete the eyelashes before exporting.

    In Blender, you'll use a Shrink Wrap Modifier - which if you just want the head - you'll need to limite to just the vertices (geometry) around the area relating to the head.

    When exporting the obj for Studio from Blender you can check the box that applies modifiers - or you can manually apply the modifier if you have issues. Just keep a backup of the work you've done.

  • charles said:


    Here is a YouTube video I talked about using shrinkwrap in blender and turning into a G8 morph.

    Thanks for that turorial!!! I'll be sure to check it out!!!

  • arstropicaarstropica Posts: 49
    edited June 2021

    For anyone who is interested, see my comment on another thread on how to do this without using Shrinkwrap.

    Post edited by arstropica on
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