Question about viewport speeds

This is my first post, so forgive me if this is in the wrong area, and I couldn't find the answer on here anywhere else.
My question is this: I'm going to build a new PC as soon as parts become more readily available. One thing I'd like to improve is how quick and responsive the viewport is. So often, it gets bogged down and takes a long time to update the models when posing them, or the cameras become less responsive. This makes it hard to make fine adjustments (not to mention that it's just annoying). What factors into this? Is this a RAM issue? My current motherboard only supports 64GB of ram, and I have it maxed out. Would going up to 128GB fix this issue? I don't want to spend the extra cash if RAM isn't what's causing my problems.
also, if there are any tricks you all know that could help speed things up, I'd love to hear them. So far I've turned the texture detail all the way to performance mode, and I found that making any clothing and hair invisible until I'm ready to render often helps, but not always.
thanks in advance for any answers!
IRay uses the graphics card and its on-card memory (RAM), though it's a myth that it can only use a graphics card. Since it can also use the system CPU and the motherboard RAM. It can't use both at once, so far as I know.
This means you get a good graphics card for the new PC. The sweet spot in terms of affordability vs. availablity appears to be the NVIDIA RTX 2060, though the newer 30-series is best if you can both afford one and find one for sale. Then you run an Iray viewport that way, most likely in realtime.
Or you build a fast 12-core workstation and plug in lots of fast RAM, and run IRay via the CPUs.
The other option would be to do neither and become very good with the Scene Optimizer and Decimator plugins, which should make Viewport working less sticky and rendering far faster. Also ensure that you have a recent version of DAZ Studio, as IRay has been updated and is far faster than it was a few years ago on both GPU and CPU.
I doubt if it is worth upgrading beyond 64GB since windows 10 has a memory compression feature and also SSD swapping if fats enough. and it will be hard to fill app that memory with any scene which also fits in your GPU memory. also, Daz is just a single-threaded application so it can t use modern CPU properly.
It is unclear if you complain about OpenGL or iRay viewport responsiveness, as if your OpenGL viewport is running slow you need to turn on all optimizations .
the texture size should not have any effect because it is all handled by GPU. and it probably will just eat up your gpu memory without affecting performance.
also you can try filament viewport which seems to be faster but has to be turned off before you start rendering in iray and save your work often because it tends to crash
The problem for me is that daz is really slow when I try to select nodes and models I guess this is because all Daz content is stored on the plan HDD and for some unknown reason Daz is trying to access HDD every time I click something and attempt to use IK requires absolutely unreasonable time.
I don't usually work with Iray on in the viewport, I usually work with shaded textures on. and only use Iray when checking my lighting. Right now I'm running with a 2080ti, and I'm planning on upgrading to the 3090 in April or May. I also use an SSD to store all my assets on. I'm just not sure why it takes so long to update the pose of a character. For instance, if I want someone to grab onto something, I adjust the bend in the finger joints, but it takes a while for the finger to move after I make the adjustment. It makes it hard to make accurate adjustments without having to go back and forth a whole lot. Does the viewport use your VRAM even when not using Iray?
This may help:
Optimizing Viewport Performance in DAZ Studio