Links Palette for DAZ Studio...

I'd like to request: a Links Tab/Palette.
I tend to use Macromedia (Now Adobe) FreeHand 11 and use Adobe InDesign at work.
If the graphic links in an InDesign document (or in the MUCH older Freehand) get lost, it's an easy matter to call up the links box, navigate to the needed link in System, and re-set/change the link.
We can't do that in Studio, near as I can tell...certainly not in an easy fashion at the moment...
Currently, in DAZ Studio Pro(what I've got) , it calls up the 'MISSING' box on opening asking you to find the missing items, one by one, bouncing around as it does so.
If we have the same image used 17 times on the figure or background, Studio gives you the SAME alert message 16 more times after you find the link the FIRST time.
And, occasionally, once you THINK you're done, THEN it throws up a gray box saying:"These Items could not be found..."
...and doesn't give you the chance to FIND the bloody things!!!! GRRRRrrrrrrrrr!!!! >:(
(Makes me want to take a hammer to the computer, to put it politely...) :)
Can we PLEASE just have Studio put visual 'block' placeholders (like it currently does when it can't find missing geometry) in the scene and open the file?
It could then indicate in a Links palette what's missing in the scene load...we could have one section for Images, and one section for Geometry (and maybe one more for any other linkables that I'm not thinking of at the moment :) ).
As you relink to the needed geometry (or different geometry), the placeholder will be swapped out for the item.
If you can include a 'Refresh' button in these areas on the Palette (like in NewTek's Lightwave™), if you update change the geometry it would update in the Scene.
For those who like the current setup, there could be an option in 'Preferences', to have Studio react in either fashion.
I've included a bit of an example of what I'm thinking of... :)
Thanks, Guys & Gals! :)
Be well.
Greg L.