Creating 3d Props from Custom Text via Photoshop

nmadovnmadov Posts: 16
edited December 2020 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hello and good evening!

You see I am in a little bit of a pickle. I would like to create a prop (like a Light-Up Sign) in the Daz Studio that resembles this font for example: 

Can I create a 3d file like an OBJ file using Photoshop? Or is this only done in the 3d modelling software? I feel stupid to ask. Maybe this goes in to the Tech help forum.

BIG EDIT: I have found the answer on the Youtube. You can do this in Blender by using the Text Editor first, then you can convert it to a mesh object and play around with the Vertices.

Post edited by nmadov on


  • onixonix Posts: 282

    that was quick  answer to your own question.:)

    But it can be done with photoshop  as you could create plane primitive and apply this kind of texture with transparency map

    and to give it some depth you can also create a displacement map

  • The utilities Elefont 1.4 + PoseRay as the converter to OBJ. Both are free.

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited December 2020

    Font to Mesh Express Converter used to be sold by daz and render .. if you look around you might still be able to find it...  I think there is an early version that can be found as free on the net. 
    my copy is not happy with my system but other users who have it say it still works fine for them.


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Martirilla said:

    The utilities Elefont 1.4 + PoseRay as the converter to OBJ. Both are free.

    elefont seems to be gone  in that it's link from it's home page doesn't work...  
    I didn't sign up with the Bulgarian site that offers it. 
    Pose Ray seems to start in poser and daz .. so you need to convert the text before.  

  • No, Elefont is not gone. Do you even know how to search? Brycemania has a copy, Redpoint has a copy, and the WayBack Machine has saved a copy too.There are probably others to be found.

    And what are you talking about... "Pose Ray seems to start in Poser and Daz"?? I can't imagine you've even tried it, or if you did you managed to find some completely other Pose Ray. PoseRay is a standalone conversion utility. And again, is easily found.

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