Daz Central does not accept password

I have been using Daz central for the past few weeks and I LOVE IT.  I had used install manager  in the past but since my computer repairs I been using Daz central. I click on the icon DC on my dock and Daz studio opens and I'm off and running. It never asked for my password as it was stored and suddenly...

A funny thing happened today, It asks for a password. Using the password I use to log onto Daz 3D but all of a sudden it does not take the password and won;t open Daz Studio. I just purchased some products but since I cannot open DAZ central or Daz studio, i have no way of working in studio or using anything. 

What happened? why does it not accpet my password now despite the fact that its the same password I used to log onto Daz. 

any suggestions or words from the wise? 


  • You may need tio open a suppor titcket to resolve this, if it was working ebfore I doubt there's any issue with the format of the password

  • I have done that but it takes Tech support days and sometimes week to respond. Pity they do not have any phone support. I trried changing the password and still I am locked out of Daz Central. Without that login I cannot access the studio which means the order I recently purchased is not accessible to me. I'm dead in the water....AARRGGG

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