Biblical Characters
Unless I'm looking in the wrong places, I can't find a Noah's Arc, Jesus Christ, or pretty much anything biblical. Sure there's a few creatures here and there, but that's about it... Unless I'm mistaken.
If anyone knows of a Jesus or God character, would you mind pasting the link below please. If there isn't any, I would make it my suggestion to create one if you think it would be worth while doing.
Thanks in advance!
DAZ seems to carefully avoid any religious models of any faith
you may find stuff on other sites
certainly iClone which I use has a marketplace full of figures of every religion so other 3D software vendors do cater for it, this is not much help to DAZ/Poser users though
I have had to kitbash my nativity and Easter scenes from the M3 shepherds, Arabic clothing and long dresses, gowns etc.
there are other competing sites with stuff
whether linking ok I am unsure
That's terrible! Surely they could create the characters and call them something different, but cleverly have links to their correct names. You could do that too with your Shepherds. Speaking of which, I might have shepherds pie for my dinner, haven't had that in ages.
To be perfectly honest, as there are no photo's of biblical characters no one can be certain as to what they looked like.
There are plenty of characters in the store, so just browse and pick the ones that most mirrors how you see the person.
Clothing, well most PAs like to make products which appeal to the widest customer base, so most historical eras have less products on sale than modern or fantasy clothing. It is how the market is. That is why most of the people who like to do this sort of image are well used to kit bashing what is available to get to what they want.
Thanks Chohole,
I've just finished doing this wonderful picture of the devil playing a piano, which looks as real as animation can be. It gave me an idea of doing a Devil/God thread that shows the 2 of them doing their work throughout the World and how sometimes their paths cross. That's why I wanted some biblical characters, so I could start from way back and slowly bring things forward, eventually ending up with today's state of affairs.
When it comes to animation, I only use Daz because I love it, and the quality of items get better and better. I'll have to stick some music on, eat my shepherds pie, and have a good look around Daz to see what I can find.
What you having for lunch/dinner, anything good?
not terribly good examples
Hey Wendy, what cloth did you use on the characters for CGI Easter?
I had chicken pie, and it did have chicken in it, does your shepherds pie have real shepherds in it? :coolgrin:
Seriously Shepherds pie is made from sheep, not the people who look after them.
was the tunic from M3 shepherd on Jesus and MFD I think unsure on Mary Magdalene
LOL, thankfully not, at least not that I know of. One of our national supermarkets got caught for having horse meat in the food as opposed to beef, even though the products were advertised as beef.
If I ever eat shepherds pie and suddenly get a craving for lamb, I'll contact the missing persons bureau to see what's going down. (that's after I spit out the toe nail.)
M3, damn it!
Despite the recent scandal, T....... that supermarket insist they use only meat of the highest quality. A spokesman said: ‘Our meat has to clear several hurdles before it goes on sale.’
Ha ha ha!
probably, I suppose, that Bible Daz items would be sold well ...
There's a Jesus Christ clothing and prop set here:
It's for genesis. I think in the promos it's using the M5 skin and the beard set from Blondie9999.
Looks pretty good! Be careful though, we're not allowed to display pictures that incorporate religion or politics. That's why I've removed all of my works from Daz. I'm going to display them elsewhere where my artistic freedom isn't compromised. Rules are rules.