Custom morph deforms on posing

Hello! I've been sculpting my first morph in Blender for over a year and now I'm trying to get it to work in Daz Studio. After importing the morph, simple operations "Adjust Rigging to Shape" and "Align All Bones" are performed. Further, when posing, the model acts with strange deformations compared to the base model. I have not yet been able to find any other morph with the same posing problems. I don’t know anatomy and rigging, and I smoothed out some deformations based on the shape of the base model, but I don’t understand what is wrong with the legs of my model.


802 x 1019 - 318K


  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    yeah, it will, you'll need to make a big bunch of custom joint corrective morphs. Just look in the hidden section of the properties pane when you pose a Daz figure. You'll see a big load of JCM's.

  • I'm sorry, but you need to put the Viewport into a non-textured mode if you need to post imaegs of a nude figure - even if the Anatomical Elements are not attached.

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