Extreme frustration with logging in.

Candy013Candy013 Posts: 4

Update - I was able to manually install Daz Studio and log in to my account from the program but still unable to use DIM or Central.

I've read everything I can find on the log in issues with the email/password "incorrect".  I'm not using special characters and my password is longer than 7 characters.  I've changed my password numerous times and I still can not log in!  This is going on two - three weeks now.  Yes, I have a ticket "supposedly" open that states that Daz will probably not get back in touch with me for 4 to 6 weeks :( .  Extremely frustrating!!

On top of that, I've tried updating my email numerous times to no avail as well (that was stated in the ticket also).  This is a new windows hard drive that I'm trying to install on, but Daz gives me the same error message when trying to open on my already establised desktop.

Any advice to be able to log in and download my products without having to this manually?  I'm at the end of my rope with Daz and their lack of help on their support ticket end.


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