Three Questions Regarding Files And File Structure

I have a couple of questions regarding files and file structure for Daz add-ons.
1. I am learning to 3D model (not Hexagon just yet) for someone who uses Daz Studio to compose pictures. I can save my models as either .3ds or .obj. Is one of them better for import into Daz Studio? If so which?
2. What file structure do I need to include when I send the model to my friend? Can I just put the model and textures in the same zip or rar file or do I need to imbed the textures in a sub directory?
3. Where do I put .duf (pose) files so that I can apply them to figures in Daz Studio? My friend sent me several poses so that I can make mannikins to use for scale when modelling for him. I need to know where to put those pose files. Assume I have Daz Studio, Hexagon, Daz Central and Daz Install Manager all installed at the normal default file locations.
Many thanks in advance for helping a total and very ignorant noob.
1. DS does not support 3DS, so use OBJ
2. Yes, model and textures in the same folder should work for this. Remember, however, that OBJ can handle only a limite range of material channels.
3. The files would go in your content directory. E.g., if using the defaults, /Documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library/Figure name/Poses/Project poses.
the materials on objects can drive you crazy... sometimes you have to set the cut out opacity back on and sometimes you have to reset the emision from gray to black.
as soon as you get it into daz and have the materials working the way you want .. save it as a scene file -- then you never have to reset those surfaces again.
there is a bridge for 3dmax now and that might let you skip saving as 3ds or obj.
memo to self.. see if it works.
Mega thanks to both of you for your great answers.
Richard, Somehow "My Library/Figure name/Poses" etc is in a different higher level directory (under Daz 3D) but using the rest of the directory data you provided I was able to find the "Poses" sub directories for all the default characters. From there it was a simple matter to copy everything into the correct directory.
Alan, right now I'm modelling in Anim8or so no bridges exists nor is one likely to ever exist. LOL As for saving something about the models in Daz, well I'll pass your sage advice along to the person who will actually be using the (extremely simple) models I will be making. He can worry about it. I make things. He makes pretty pictures.