Poke through.

Cat_DancingCat_Dancing Posts: 519

Hello everyine. I've just strated to use LoRez Arab Male for a kid's story I'm working on and It's proving to be a bit of a learning curve. Are there instructions for this product? I have a problem with Poke Through, please see attached. How can I cure this clothing problem please?  Plus, I'd like to be able to use the various head-dresses, how can I do that?

Thank you for your time.

Best wishes.

Lorez Arab.jpg
491 x 805 - 24K
Post edited by Cat_Dancing on


  • Theer should, I think, be morphs for the robe to help with that

  • Cat_DancingCat_Dancing Posts: 519
    edited December 2020

    Thank you Richard but where would I find them please?


    Post edited by Cat_Dancing on
  • I would assume they show then the figure is selected. The product page lists:

    • Legs_Spread
    • LegL_Sideways
    • LegR_Sideways
    • Sitting
    • Sitting_Wide
    • StepUp_L
    • StepUp_R
    • Walk_Left
    • Walk_Right
  • OK Richard, I'll follow up on that.

    Thank you as always.

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