Daz crashing on start up

I decided, regretably now, to try the octane plug in with daz. I didn't like it so I uninstalled octane. Since then, Daz will crash on start up. I get the screen, it says new content directory do I accept then it shuts down. Nothing. I have tried to install and uninstall but the new process is so complex, it doesn't seem to be helping. It's not showing in my control panel to uninstall, the content manager will uninstall and reinstall fine....I can't just reinstall DAZ. I would really like to be able to use it again. This is VERY frustrating.
Fixed it. Not sure what it was. I had to delete all of my daz files on my computer and start fresh. Pain but it worked for now.
How did you install? Have you tried saying no, rather than yes, to the add directory prompt? Have you tried isntalling the Public Build (the beta) - that requires using Install Manager.