Installation won't complete..

Hi guys,

Extremely new here, thought I'd go ahead and install Daz as I've been meaning to for a while (I actually avoided it because a friend told me it doesn't work well on Mac due to needing a Nvidia graphics driver, but after some recent research I thought I'd give it a go regardless, at least just ot see).

Sadly I'm stuck on the installation page, attachded a screen, it seems like part of it installed (helpers and such, as I had to put in my password etc) but sadly about 20-30mins have passed by and nothing else is happening. I read that it might be due to the unarchiver used, but there's no suggestion on exactly which one to use then (I have both 'Archive Utility' and 'The Unarchiver' - are any of these ideal? 

I'm running Mac 10.15.7 (Catalina)

Any help getting the program to install would be most appreciated, or even what to do now (should I cross things off and try again, or uninstall etc) 


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1002 x 413 - 281K
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