Can Anyone help me with Deleting Category Metada?

I recently started seeing things poping up in the Saved Files section of my smart content manager. I would right click on the item and want to remove it from the list by clicking edit metadata.
Once there I go to the assets section of the item and I scroll through Assets to manually remove the Category, line by line from the Default/Saved Files Category. I keep choosing " Delete Selected Categories" When I have completed deleted each item of that category I hit accept and wait to see it removed and all that happens, is that not only does the item not leave, but after I go back into the Edit Metada, all the lines of categories I deleted seem to have returned!
I have unchecked Sync Product and local Database, I have even checked off the Purge from list checkbox, nothing seems to work. Any advice would help tremendously.
Thanks in Advance.
If that category is in the original metadata file, it is considered read-only vendor data. Reading in a new copy of the metadata should replace what is there. How are you installing? If using DAZ Connect, I don't know if there is a way to replace the metadata, since Connect will always try to re-assert itself (metadata updates was one of the selling points, but if it is wrong...)
If you use DIM (or Central, I guess, I don't use that either) you will have to export your modified metadata and re-import it. With the Sync Product and Local Database unchecked, export (if auto-export is not checked) and overwrite the existing file. If you use DIM to install, you still have the original, so you can always get it back. From DIM, find the product in the Installed tab, right-click on it and select "Re-Import Metadata". The new file should replace the metadata for the product in the database.
Note: I haven't done it that way specifically, but I have manually edited the metadata file to do exactly the same type of changes, and that does correct the problem. I suggest backing up a copy of that new metadata file in case you need to re-install the product at some point.
Tip: You can select multiple items in the top half to modify all of them at the same time. In the bottom half, select one item and expand the tree to see the categories. Right-click on the one to remove, and select "Delete Selected Categories from Listed Files". Boom.
If you simply want to recategorise the files just right-click>Categorise, uncheck the oens you don't want, check any you do (adding them from the right-click menu if need be).