Possible to get models stored on cloud and use them there?

Hello everybody,
Is it possible to upload every asset, everything purchased from store; upload them to cloud and access them when you need to prevent ultra-large assets to eat all the storage I have?
I just downloaded some packs and it's already 450 GB in total.
I tried using Google File Stream, but it's pretty much not working.
Used some external softwares like Expandrive, no luck either.
Hope you guys can help as I'm using my music production samples that way. I can easily reach to any sample I want from my personal 4 TB sample library with any computer I want.
As long as there is a consistent path to the content DS should be able to handle it - I know some people have used Dropbox to store their content, for example.
Thank you for your reply, tho i'm using 50mbit internet connection, it still can't keep up I guess.
I'll post my journey if I manage to work around.
I expect they'll need to be stored locally at least when they're in use. I use OneDrive for my scene files, and in order to open them, they need to be downloaded, and I can't imagine assets would be any different.
It should work, but the cost of suitably sized cloud storage will probably be more than you'd pay for an external drive that you just plug in to your machine.
Well I'm completing my fellowship program in University, i have unlimited cloud storage.
But I can say that it's not really working. I mean it kinda works but it's far more easier to get an external harddrive.
I'm working on it tho, any help would be appreciated.
make that two externals. ... 12Tb are down to about $240 and you want a work drive and a back up.
You could end up some where with lousy or limited net (or get locked out of your cloud --- which happens)
I live in the country .. in Oregon.. satelite ... 100 gigs a month and 2.5 mb speeds... you don't want cloud in those conditions