Viewport and aux are broken

May DawneyMay Dawney Posts: 139

I got a new computer, yay! Specs in sig (comp 2). 

DAZ Central won't even boot (stays white), so I resorted to DIM to get DAZ installed.

Sadly, it's a little broken. 

The viewport won't load aspect ratios or camera/view mode selector and when I load up a file, it just stays grey. There is no grid. Aux is empty. 
I have attached a screenshot. 

I have installed the latest drivers.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

1900 x 698 - 124K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • What video card is it using - Help>Troubleshooting>About Your Video Card?

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    What video card is it using - Help>Troubleshooting>About Your Video Card?

    That tree doesn't exist on the help page, but it uses the 3070, and I have the CPU turned off. 

  • That was the Daz Studio Help menu - if you don't have that then you have a corrupted UI I fear.

  • Sorry, i misunderstood.


    Current OpenGL Version:
    4.6.0 NVIDIA 457.30

    OpenGL Provider:
    NVIDIA Corporation

    GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2



    Shadow Map

    Hardware Antialiasing

    OpenGL Shading Language

    Pixel Buffer

    Pixel Buffer Size
    Not Enabled

    Maximum Number of Lights

    Number of Texture Units

    Maximum Texture Size
    32768 x 32768

  • OK, not my first thought then - which would have been a system with a real GPU and an Intel GPU on the CPU, and DS set to use the latter.

    Have you tried reloading the layout - Window>Workspace>Select Layout? I'm not sure how that could give what you are seeing, but it's an easy thing to try.

  • Yep! Also tried a few other layouts, but all create either this or they fail entirely and just show two white squares. IDEK, man XD

  • May Dawney said:

    Yep! Also tried a few other layouts, but all create either this or they fail entirely and just show two white squares. IDEK, man XD

    It's rendering away on a batch I set up on my other comp, but I have no idea what it's actually doing XD

    1895 x 942 - 139K
  • May DawneyMay Dawney Posts: 139
    edited December 2020
    Deleted because it was unrelated and resolved.
    Post edited by May Dawney on
  • OK, next possibility isa  rogue plug-in - you could try downloading this script and dragging it into the Viewport, then restart DS.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    OK, next possibility isa  rogue plug-in - you could try downloading this script and dragging it into the Viewport, then restart DS.

    Sadly, no change :(

  • Sorry, I don't know what to suggest - that is not an issue I can recall seeing before.

  • Me either, and Google is drawing a blank too. It feels like a graphics card issue, but I don't think I've seen it come up in 3070 discussions before. Obviously, it can't load the viewport + aux; it either times out or is too heavy to load, but the latter is rediculous, so it must be the first: it can't access something so it times out. Do you know how the viewport loads? Does it draw on anything the rest of DAZ does not? Something 3D, maybe? 

  • The Viewport uses, if Filament and Iray modes are not on, OpenGL. I'm not sure what the contriols (usually at top-right) use, but I have seen screenshots of them showing as blank boxes when the rest of the UI is apparently OK (and that is usually down to an Intel GPU handling the application display)

  • May DawneyMay Dawney Posts: 139
    edited December 2020

    That is interesting. It seems mine does open in OpenGL. Is it not supposed to? 
    Also, is Filament supposed to be a drop-down option under render setting in 4.14? (Yes, I went back to that version ;-) ) Because I don't have that. 

    I'm going to drop my log here for the boot-up process. Does anything stick out? Looks like a lot of errors to me XD

    452 x 172 - 19K
    Post edited by May Dawney on
  • Yes, the Viewport should be using OpenGL with (at least in part) thee xception of the Iray and Filament previews). The log isn't screaming "this is wrong". It may be worth using DDU to uninstall your driver and then reinstall, in case there's a left-over rogue element.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Yes, the Viewport should be using OpenGL with (at least in part) thee xception of the Iray and Filament previews). The log isn't screaming "this is wrong". It may be worth using DDU to uninstall your driver and then reinstall, in case there's a left-over rogue element.

    Sadly, that's subject to the same fail DAZ and DAZ Central is. I'll ponder. Simply uninstalling and re-installing doesn't solve anything, at least. 

    823 x 753 - 30K
  • Looks like a system issue, then.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Looks like a system issue, then.

    Graphics card at least. I'm contacting the guys who put it together for me. Thank you for troubleshooting with me!

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