Genesis 8 female on DZ store?

Long time since I've been here...


I'm finally giving in and moving to Studio 4. Studio 3 is starting to get sluggish, and even though I abhor the interface on Studio 4, I have little option.


That said, I started looking at the Genesis figures, and all of them seem to require the "Genesis 8 Starter Essentials" pack. I can't seem to find it, as DZ has a horribe search engine. I looked at every permutation of that title and nothing ever came up, so I'm asking here: does someone know where the heck that is?





  • It should have been added to your Account (Product Library). Here's the Product Page for the essentials:

  • joegerardi_36a94660de said:

    I'm finally giving in and moving to Studio 4. Studio 3 is starting to get sluggish, and even though I abhor the interface on Studio 4, I have little option.

    I never liked the default D|S4 interface either. Fortunately, there's an option that's close to the old setup from D|S3. In D|S4, go to the Window menu, select Workspace>Select Layout. There's a "Layout" button at the top, click that and select City Limits or City Limits Lite, whichever you prefer. That'll get you most of the way there; I've added a few more tweaks and saved my layout as a new preset.

    That said, I started looking at the Genesis figures, and all of them seem to require the "Genesis 8 Starter Essentials" pack. I can't seem to find it, as DZ has a horribe search engine. I looked at every permutation of that title and nothing ever came up, so I'm asking here: does someone know where the heck that is?

    Look for the DAZ|Studio program in your Product Library (I use a search string of "4.x") then open the "Description" tab. Scroll way down below the wall-o-text, and that'll bring you (eventually!) to the download links. That'll give you all the program installers, all the default resources, and links to all the free stuff, including the Genesis Starter Essentials installers.

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