Daz central or install manager

Anyone know how to get these to work emailed support many times with no reponce. The issue on both is The email and/or password you entered did not match our records.
Please double-check and try again. One on the main reasons i use daz is for the eazy insall. I recenty switched computers and have to reinsall 1000s of products by hand as therer is no other way to connect to daz central or insall manager...I wounder if i can get a refund on my 1000 plus products ?
Is your password more than 7 characters? Does it contain any special characters?
I'm really sorry you're having this trouble. Unfortunately, now is not a good time for using DIM or DAZ Central to install content. DAZ has had some wide-ranging troubles since the new store software was introduced.
Do you still have access to the old computer? If so, you can copy all your content from the old hard drive to a new one. I've done it many times. You'd need to tell DAZ Studio where to find the content on your new computer. Good luck, my friend.
Is this a new Windows machine by any chance, and if so: what keyboard setup did you use?
See, some keyboard layouts provide support for quickly typing special characters. For example: é is generated from pressing ' follored by e. Yet here also lies a problem, because if you're using ' within a password then typing and even pasting the character would result in Windows "eating" it because it'll try to combine it with the next character. Which can (and will) result in password failures.
So I'd start by ensuring that you're actually typing in the full and correct password, and that you're not using any kind of layout which "eats" special characters.
New mac computer
What version of macOS is your new Mac running, sypeck? If it's Big Sur, then DAZ Studio, DIM, etc. won't currently work with that version of the operating system.