Render Options / Cartoon, and DrawStyles - removed?

What was the last version in which DAZ Studio had a "Render Options / Cartoon" option? I ask because it seems to have utterly vanished from the UI (it used to be in version 3 and early version 4s?), along with DrawStyles for the OpenGL viewport. I've been all over the current UI for an hour, even trying different layouts to see if that revealed these features and.... nothing.
Are DrawStyles and Cartoon still accesible, perhaps via scripts only? Or are they totally removed in the current version?
Finally, I found it. It seems you have to restart Daz Studio after changing to a new Workspace Layout, to see all its UI elements. At least, that was the case for me ad the "City Limits" preset Workspace. That was why I didn't find what I wanted... until DAZ was restarted.
In this case the "City Limits" Workspace gives me a Viewport with what I want to explore - an Editor panel with DrawStyle at the top and all the various Viewport options available there. So they are still in there, just difficult to find due to the re-start problem. Until now I'd only ever used the normal OpenGL view, with another Workspace which had no DrawStyle options.
Layout chnages should take effect immediately, and the different drawstyls are still reachable via the sphere icon next to the camera/view picker button at top-right. The way you render usign a Viewport drawstyle has changed - now you set the Engine to Viewport in Render Settings. There is a cartoon mode switch, which works only with the 3Delight Daz Default Shader, but that is usually hidden.