Can't Download and Products are missing

For the past day, I have unable to be able to download anything from the Install manager. It starts to download and fails. But the bigger issue is, when I go into Daz3d, I am missing tons of products. I purchased 200 poses, and now I only see 2 poses products. Filter by Content no longer works. When I select a gen8 female, it shows no products for her at all. If I take Filter by content off, I can see all products plus all genesis products, so I have to go throug hevery product to find the geneis 8 product I want for the figure. When I try to download Metadata for any product, it fails.

I've heard they had store problems, but I can't find a post anywhere on it. And would that affect Daz3d, where I wouldn't see any products?


  • Missing where? From the rest of the post I am guessing in Smart Content. There are one or two characters which have bad metadata, which breaks the Genesis 8 Female base metadata - reinstalling the Geneis 8 (Female) Starter Essentials (if you can) may fix that.

    Log-on and download issues have been occuring - daz isd aware, and working on them, but if they persist you may need to open a support ticket.

  • Thanks for your help. I did reinstall Gen8 Starter pack, and that didn't fix it. And you are correct, in Smart Content they are missing. And I opened a support ticket two days ago. I hope they fix it soon.

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