Daz Studio Morphs

Just a quick line to say thank you for fixing the morph issue in the .14 release
They are now saving, appear and can be edited Keymate OK
I did notice heavy delays in editing, and moving keys, however this was because I was saving everything in the keys frames and I had way to much content installed.
I decided to keep everything I have purchased for Genesis 3 and 8, Dragons an alike , the rest of the models I hardly use, have been uninstalled and hidden, they are still there if i need them in the future, It's reduced the installed content from 3600 + items to 1200 this removed a large number of morphs I rarely use.
Even after this, there is still a large number of morphs installed
Whilst animating a number of frames
I found out if you keyframe say a Genesis 8 figure for example, it saves every Morph that's available to it. Where as if you just keyframe the morph you want for that model, there is a considerable reduction in the number of key frames laid down
Hence editing is much better.