Real Volumetric Lights for Daz Studio

It is true that Daz Studio has been doing an excellent job by increasing the quality of lights set. And it is also true that light is an important component used to create realistic environments.
It would be very nice to use volumetric lights that could handle independent rendering, regarding volumetric effects. We have a similar product with Atmospheric Effects Cameras. The issue here is that is not easy to separate the fog effect when we are using more than one light. Usually we cannot see the foreground of the scene, since it usually becomes dark ou too much foggy.
As an alternative, we must do different renders and combine the layers using an 2d editing software, such as Photoshop.
Wouldn't be nice if we have the volumetric environment controlled by the parameters of the light, independently? So, it would be possible to control the effects of other lights in the scene without creating unwanted fog effects.
Please, guys, think of that!

You can achieve what you want, but you're going to need AoA's Advanced Spotlights as well for the desired effect (although all of AoA's advanced lights contain the necessary _category ability). Add in an Adv Spot, and in the Light section, set the _category to foglight (manually type it in).
Now, use the EZ Volume camera (was added in an AoA Camera update) and use the Volume|Volume section to set Accept Light Types to 'Only _category foglight'. This will place volume only for AoA lights you've set as a foglight in the _category parameter.
This image has a low intensity white light for global lighting, and 2 Adv Spotlights set as a foglight and rendered through the EZ Volume camera using the _category acceptance filter.
Here's a thread regarding the EZ Volume camera:
There is also this product:
It adds "real fog" to your scene. You can move it around, transform and rotate it like any other prop. And it does not depend on special lights or cameras. It is just there.
Unfortunately I dont know if and how it works in DAZ Studio 4.6, because this is an older product.
Fog tool is just a high poly plane primitive with lots of texture files and python scripted (wont work in Studio) deformers and magnets, so not real fog.
The only real volumetric effect is Ubervolume that you already have as it is included as a base shader in DS
The rest is cheap fake effect that are quicker to calculate and render
People usually don't use Ubervolume because the real Volumetric effect also goes with longer render time