Eye Twinkles Missing Files?

While the cones for the male side of the Eye Twinkles set are present, I only get gray boxes for the female side.  Not even an error message pointing to where a UV ought to be, just gray boxes.

Anyone else having this problem or have I somehow messed everything up?


  • Yep, there's a problem with the file.  This and Tinkerers Workshop are hosed.  Supposedly, Daz knows about the Workshop problem, but I'm not sure about the Eye Twinkle screw-up.

  • CurlyMacCurlyMac Posts: 39
    edited December 2020

    Looks like the file may have been fixed ... download now shows files as being updated on 12/8, rather than the earlier date in the original download. Sure would be nice if Daz actually responded to our tickets to let us know the issue was fixed.

    Post edited by CurlyMac on
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