Shadows in "Texture Shaded" preview

Are there at least some shadows for the texture shaded preview?
My main problem, why I ask is, that if you place an object in a scene onto another object, it is sometimes hard to guess, if it has contact with that other object.
It used to happens a lot to me, to have a complicated scene rendered and find out later, that some objects seems to levitate.
How can I make sure, that my object is actually put onto another object correctly? Some basic shadow system would help, I think.
No, only the Filament and Iray drawstyles have shadows. I would use more than one 3D view in the Viewport, with one left/right, one front/back, and another for Perspective. Switching to wireframe or hidden wire can help too.
I added a camera to my "starter" empty scenes. Called it "Inspection Camera" and set it to not visible. I switch to that camera in the viewport and then select the object/figure/body part that I'm interested in viewing. Then I use the viewport Frame icon to center the object/figure/body part in the Inspection Cameras frame. Moving the camera around I can usually find an ideal spot to move the feet, hands, etc. into a postion/pose that correctly interacts with other items like the ground plane. Then I switch back to my other camera(s) to continue setup or rendering. Since I do mainly portrait style, the front, left, and right views zoomed in work well for me to get the feet flatly placed on the ground. But I do use the Inspection Camera for that as well.
Not sure if this is helpful or particularly useful, but that's how I fine tune poses.