Render stops early with "Dome off" setting

I am writing this thread because I didn t find an answer regarding my problenm, anywhere in the forum.
I just successfully rendered a character 1 hour ago, with and without the dome, I closed Daz, opened another character scene and...I wanted to render it but it stoped after a few minutes and the quality is not good, even if I just renedered with the same settings, another scene a bit earlier. Now that scene is not rendering correctly either. BUT, if I set the dome ON, then is rendering correctly. What is happening? Daz studio is up to date, also the graphic card.
Also, when I start rendering, it stays at 0% for 1 minute, then immediately at 98%, the rest of 2-8 minutes are for 98-100% rendering. s weird because I always had a correct render time, from 1 to 100%.
I tried to look at the log file, but I am clearly not good to understand what's in there, all I can see is that I get an error during render.
Please help? thank you!

if you crank up your max samples in the progressive render tab to like 10000 does it still do this?
Unfortunately...yes. :(.
I restarted my pc, opened the first character scene, that it worked earlier, and it works. When I open again the character scene 2 (the one that it wasn t wroking) it s still not working...I don't understand...
I'm not an expert at reading logs but are you sending the file to be rendered externally or assisted externally over the lan or wan?