[Newbie Question] What can do with daz studio?

I am a new user who recently got to know Daz Studio and an Unreal Game Programmer.
I don't know much about the Daz Studio and I'm inferring its function.
First of all, I understand it's a posing tool.
And what I felt when I saw the function of dressing.
Molphing clothes, armor, etc. that should be set separately for each body type of character
It seems to set it automatically.
If i could take advantage of it,
I'm asking because I think it'll be a good workflow to make fitable clothes on a large RPG.
1. Does anyone successfuly used the Daz studio as a workflow with Unity and Unreal?
2. Is there any advantage over the Zbrush-3dsMax workflow to make full humanbody and cloth/armor?
3. Based on the plug-in called Goz
Can I move the Genesis8 character to the Zbrush, sculp and come back to the Daz studio?
still the morph and rig remain?
4. Is it possible to dress the character of Daz Studio with other armor made of FBX (like a free downloaded asset made from max maya)?
or is it faster than manually fit in maya max?
5. Is Dazstudio character can be automatically rigging?
6. Is Dazstudio able to make an animation file?
So there are a few thingsa I can answer though do keep in mind that I don't consider myself an expert on the subject though I have decent experience with the software.
You can't really compare these two programs like that. For one reason because Daz Studio can't be used to create 3D items, it's only used to pose and set up sceneries. But you can't actually edit the individual props and actors. At best you can change their surfaces but that's about it. As soon as we're talking about creating clothing or other changes (such as 'morphs' for example) then you'd be looking at software such as ZBrush or maybe Hexagon.
But also when it comes to posing then you can't compare these environments like this. Yes, you can build sceneries in ZBrush but it's hardly as easy as it is in DS. For example you can't "just" add several actors and props to your scenery and then expect to have the option to place them wherever you need them to be. It can be done, sorta, but it's hardly the same as just loading what you want and then positioning the material. As mentioned: ZBrush is an editor first and foremost.
Yes. Better yet, you can even do this the other way around as well, ZBrush also supports DS out of the box. However, I'm still experimenting with this myself and there are quite a few things I still need to learn about it.
Not to my knowledge. It can actually be quite tricky to set this up.
An animation needs to be rendered and it can then be saved in a movie file format (avi and the likes), this might be a good read on the subject:
save a animation? - Daz 3D Forums
5-Yes, Mixamo, and inside DS too but Mixamo wins.
6-Yes, file, export > Biovision *.bvh or *.fbx