Possible to rig two characters together?

Is it possible to have 1 character mimic the other character's movements at the same time?
Example, like Peter Pan and his shadow. They move together, but can be independent of themselves as well.

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That would be a very useful option but I am quite sure that Daz has no such functionality.
although using the word "rig 2 characters" is quite wrong you should say "link 2 characters"
Probably we can implement this with a script or you can manually copy and paste pose from one character to another if those characters are the same type
Can use 2 figures, have fun with setting up the lights, reflections, cast shadows on/off, etc. Either one figure has to be totally 'out of the picture' with just its shadow coming in - but my initial testing of that theory provided a rather dim shadow so I'd go with making the 2nd figure "pitch black" [or whatever is desired for the shadow].
If one figure is an instance of the other, it will copy the actions but not act independently. Neither can it be textured independently. However if one can box the lights to not affect the shadow figure, have that one lit from behind, there might be something usable come of that.
Rather than instancing you could use geometry shell as it can be moved away from the parent figure and it will act as an instance with separate textures, but I doubt if this is what is necessary in this situation
Possibly however with instancing I can make use of the product for turning instances into poseable objects ;-)
Could you use the filament rigged shadow joined to a character? https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-sy-rigged-shadows-filament
if this is for an animation?
make a character, dup it, turn seconc one gray/black
set up two cameras one with view you want for main character
the other offset and at an angle? up high at an angle?
render the animation sequence with the base characater without the second
render the animation sequence with the second charater from the second camera
merge them in a movie editor with the main one in front
Yes, is doable but you need think outside the box, "not from the jedi" way won't work...
What exactly is the point of creating an instance then conveting that instance into a duplicate? You can just duplicate object directly
But the problem is that it will not automatically follow the pose of the parent object.
easiest option is just to save an animated pose for the first one then apply it to the other one
you can create a group to move the other one to a different spot
no need to overthink and complicate anything
Because it [or they if more than one instance is made] will follow the pose of the parent. Then when changed one can simply make pose variations and change the colour of its/their clothes, etc. For a shadow the change could be made to all black for example.