Wishlist Issue?

I've been dealing with this for a while now, and at this point I'm just donw with it. Does anyone know why we're not able to add anything to the wishlist? I'm logged in, can make purchases, and look at my old purchases. But when I click the heart to add something to my list, then I get the message that I must log in first to do that, but when I click the cart button, then I'm able to add things to my cart. If you're wondering how I've been adding things to my wishlist thus far, I've had to open the product in a new Google Chrome tab and then add it to the cart. Then, when I have 100+ items in the cart, I have to go one by one and add them to the wishlist from there....
It's tedious, and I wish they would just make a fast way to add things to your wishlist like Amazon, Wish and Walmart have it set up. Any help with this would be appreciated.
I do not know why this is happening, however...everyone is having different issues with the new Daz website.
The last time Daz redid their website, I had to stop using Windows Internet explorer and go to Chrome...then, I had to start using Microsoft edge.
Now, with the new website, I have having a lot of problems that changing browers has not helped.
Perhaps, though, try changing browers. Just open up your account in perhaps Microsoft Edge and see if you can click the wishlist button.
Good luck!!!
I tested it on iOS and could add to my Wishlist
so other browsers indeed may work