Dforce issue

Dforce has stopped working for me. It was doing great until updating to Ver 4.14. Now I get this error when trying to use Dforce -
2020-12-06 16:48:10.183 WARNING: ..\..\..\src\dzopenclkernelfactory.cpp(32): Open CL notify: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL on GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (Device 0).
2020-12-06 16:48:10.465 WARNING: ..\..\..\src\dzdynamicsengine.cpp(3083): ERROR: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)
Any advice would be appreciated.
Did you update your drivers?
Minimum driver requirement (to properly support both CUDA 11 and OptiX 7.1) is 451.48 on Windows.
That's for Iray, dForce uses Open CL
I can't use dforce in DS 4.14 at all. It just sits there and doesn't do anything. If I try or cancel the deforce, it freezes up and I just get that nagging little blue spinny thing. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to close the program. It worked fine in 4.12.
Having the same issue. I have latest nvidia drivers.